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KRULTYPE 4: COILY - CG Curls - Amazing Curls KRULTYPE 4: COILY - CG Curls - Amazing Curls


You  have discovered that you have curl type 4! This curl type can be recognized by the often thick structure and needs a lot of moisture. The curls are tight and dense and have a strong S or Z pattern. The curls are very vulnerable and sensitive to hair breakage, the curls also shrink considerably in 'shrinkage'. Compared to wavy and curly hair, frizzy hair needs the most time and attention. Make sure the hair gets enough moisture by using oil, steaming, sealing and using leave-in conditioner or curl cream. The types can be further divided into A, B and C.

Type 4A -  curly hair with loose curl

People with this curl type have a lot of volume and the curls are bouncy and finely structured. They are fairly tight, spiral curls with an 'S' pattern but they are a bit looser than type 4B curls.

Type 4B – frizzy hair with tight curls

Type 4B is slightly more tightly curly than type 4A.  4B curls often have a sharp Z pattern. They are quite small and tight and sometimes have little definition.

Type 4C –  curly hair with very small curls

Type 4C has even smaller curls. These curls are often so dense that you can hardly distinguish them. Curl type 4C is also a bit more susceptible to shrinking, which is why it has super much volume.


For curl type 4 it is very important to hydrate the hair well, by using masks and oils. This curl type can use heavy products well.  Try a lot to see what works for you, maybe a light product works really well. Use  a leave-in and/or curl cream  for extra hydration and care. Use a custard or gel to keep the curls in place and prevent frizz. The LOC (Liquid-Oil-Cream) method is a method that is good for curl type 4 curls. This ensures that the hair remains well hydrated.

krultype4: Coily

By: Merel Mulderij

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